Your wish is our command. This year the Pyre Parade returns, to burn our woes and clear space for winter.
Following last year’s brilliant Pyre Parade, many of you told us that you’d like the event to become annual. Saturday 26 October sees the Pyre Parade return to the streets of Ipswich, this time a little larger and with music and food following the burn.
Across the second half of October you will find black dog effigies guarding special collection boxes at select locations across the town. You are invited to write down and post your bad news in to these boxes – bad debts, health worries, a sour relationship, or colouring in where you went over the edges – whatever the badness, feed the beast.
Then join us as we gather at 6pm on Saturday 26 October at The Think Tank, which is on the High Street next to Ipswich Museum. There we will form a big noisy parade, to march our bad news through the town, accompanied by a Pyre Choir and other special guest performers. Later we will set the badness alight at Christchurch Park and watch the flames engulf it, before sharing some food and music and good times together back at The Think Tank. Burning up the night sky and opening space for a better future.
The Pyre Parade is a free event, everyone is welcome.
Local lads Mark Offord and Robert Pacitti have started The Rough Band, but anyone can be a member. Simply turn up with something loud to bang, such as wooden spoons on saucepan lids, and be prepared to hush as we move respectfully through Silent Street.
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