Taking inspiration from personal history, memories, key social and historical moments, and nature, Snail Portrait finds parallels to the life of a snail. In Persian there is a specific phrase: “Khane be doosh“… ‘home on your back’. Exploring how the past is always present, a moment of memory that recurs, returns to haunt you, no escape…and exploring the tensions and borders between movement and stillness. Shabnam Shabazi continues her ongoing investigation into notions of ‘home’. This time creating an aural and visual ‘listening room’, shedding light on what it means to be without a permanent location or abode.
Shabnam Shabazi is a multi-disciplinary ‘artivist,’ a maker and enabler of creative projects. Working with object, video / digital media; text, performance, collage and installation. Participation and creating platforms to give voice to important issues are at the heart of Shabnam’s practice. Her work is autobiographical and archival. Exploring notions of home, place, displacement, identity and the body. Recent and ongoing research includes exploring the idea of the body as a house and investigating stories from ourselves, stories from within. The interstices and intersections between art forms and cultures animate her practice. Committed to a ’without walls’ approach. Interested in site-specific work and subverting use of existing spaces.
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