Luke Jerram



From Wed 27 – Sun 31 Oct 2021 CAMEYE produced and directed SPILL TV. Our brief was to create short films that interweave art documentation and documentary. We have been embodying and creating SPILL TV since 2011.

Docs Events Short Film

GAIA by Luke Jerram:

Measuring seven metres in diameter, Gaia features 120dpi detailed NASA imagery of the Earth’s surface. The artwork provides the opportunity to see our planet on this scale, floating in three-dimensions.

The installation creates a sense of the Overview Effect, which was first described by author Frank White in 1987. Common features of the experience for astronauts are a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of the environment.

Gaia has been created in partnership with the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Bluedot and the UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres

Client testimonial

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